Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanks to Everyone (August 15th, 2007)

Lisa and I want to make sure everyone who gave their support, friendship, understanding, humor and expertise toward our attainment of this wonderful goal.

Dr. Guy Ringler, without your brilliance this would have never been possible.
Dr. Bronte Stone, the best damn embryologist on the planet (and a decent rider).
Dr. Phillip Werthman, for your patience and prudence.

The entire staff at CALFERT, truly a world class organization.

To Tom Reasor and Kevin Considine, John Little. Without your support at work, we could have never held it together and gotten through.

To all our friends who offered support and shared experiences and concern. Melinda and Dave Freiss, Jane Powers, Mansoor Emam, Gennie Mulqueen, Terry Heinrich, Kevin and Jen Considine, Al Giesler and Susan Katz, Andrew Foulger, the Maliheh Free Clinic staff, the Cottonwood ER staff and all the great people at eBay.

Finally and always the most important, thank you to our families. Without you, we would not be who we are. We are thrilled and honored to be adding a member to such a special group.

With love and sincerity,

Matt and Lisa

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