Tuesday, December 6, 2011

California Fertility Partners

When we were first referred to California Fertility Partners by an embryologist in Utah, it felt so over-whelming. We had to go all the way to Los Angeles? Why did we have to go through this? Why was it so hard to become parents when people do it everyday? People who don't want to do it easily become parents. But making that first phone call and that first trip to Los Angeles changed our lives. I don't think we would've ever gotten pregnant here in Utah. These doctors at California Fertility Partners were world-class. A step above. For several years, our vacations were ~ 2 week trips to Los Angeles for rounds of In Vitro. We would have a lot of down-time waiting for the ovaries to be ready to be harvested and then between the retrieval and the implantation. We took advantage. Things we did during those LA trips: Visit family in San Diego, Jay Leno Show, Santa Monica (usually where we stayed), 3rd-Street Promenade, Beverly Hills, Malibu, Pacific Coast Highway, Paradise Cove Cafe, Dukes in Malibu, Santa Barbara, Solvang, wine-tasting trips, lots of different restaurants. Just fun, fun stuff. We got so we preferred to do some of our follow ups there instead of trying to find somewhere here in Utah to do our ultra sounds. We would hop the 6 am flight to LA, rent a fun car, get breakfast (usually out our favorite spot "The Lazy Daisy" across the street from the clinic), see Dr Ringler, go shopping, catch some lunch, drive the coast, enjoy the ocean and sun and then head back to LAX to catch a late flight. We had so much fun. We really learned to love that area. Loved, loved loved Santa Monica. Too bad it is so expensive to live there. It would be fun to try it out for a while....as long as you could work in Santa Monica as well. Rule about living in the LA area. Live where you work - if you can. Avoid the traffic. The weather is so very amazing down there....you can see why so many people live there. Its just awesome.

Here are some fun pictures:

11818 Wilshire Bldvd, Los Angeles, CA Dr Guy Ringler - our infertility specialist. He was brilliant and so great to work with. This facility was so professional and so appreciative of us - their patients. So different than what we experienced here in Utah. (Actually taken in 2005 - Lisa with Kathy, our case manager, and Dr Ringler) Primo Embryologist - Dr Bronte Stone and Matt!!

(He was awesome - he was from New Zealand and we always joked about our son coming out and speaking with an accent)

The infamous procedure room where it all happened!! The making of parents!!

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