Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our Story of Wyatt Begins

Matt and I spent much of our 30's (ages) and much of our $$$ trying to become parents (I often say we already spent Wyatt's college fund before he was born). We saw many specialists, went through many appointments, procedures and heartaches. As the next few posts will capture - the thrill and awe of finally becoming parents was indescribable and to this day hard to believe. And we both feel we will never be able express enough thanks to those who helped us reach our goal of becoming parents and sharing our lives with a special little person. Matt captured a lot of this in another blog (Mathew-Wyattsroom.blogspot.com) for which we lost access to because of email change and password issues. I've created another and am planning on just transferring over what we started to capture on that blog. We were really good at first......we were. :)

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